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Posted Date: 23 Jan, 21 Category: Beauty artist community Tip
Scope of beauty industry

Basically, we understand the term of beauty is only some facial, makeup etc., but beauty is a process that can change the personality of everyone. Some intelligent people know about beauty but he is busy for earn money. No, authorise for teaching this subject and everybody knows that this proficiency is based on the income of billion women in the world. We are working to stimulate and extend channel by channel this industry. If we calculate the outcome of this industry, here make a lot of money from low label to highest label. This is the industry has no any parameter which we define the different label. So we need to something who has organized this industry. How we will create labels? At first, we describe the different steps of this industry from bottom to highest label.

1- Beginner - This is the first label for an interested person, who will make the carrier in this field. This is the learning label of the fresh beginner.

2- Advance Label - This is also a learning step, but you can self work with learning and earn some outcomes.

3- Professional Label - This label you to become a professional and you can teach others and run your business as a type of beauty parlour or salon.

4- Business or Jobs - When you are an expert in your profession, do you choose the best option for you?

After that generate this question- How you will show globally extend your proficiency? Simply answer is Marketing, but is it true? Absolutely NO! Because marketing is a tool for reach maximum users, rather need to reach your service to users.

How to reach your beauty service to your customers?

  1. Are you expertise in your work?
  2. How to feel your customer in your workplace?
  3. Behaviour to your customers
  4. Result of your service
  5. Experience of customers
  6. Customer review
  7. Repetitions of customers
  8. What did you give your permanent customers?
  9. What did you do for new customers?
  10. Who are your target customers?
  11. Criteria of your service?
  12. Are you made a trend? Or do you follow the trend?
  13. Are you helpful & caring for your customers?
  14. Are you honest with your customers?

Here creates a space for the beauty industry. Beautician not only an artist, rather he/ she a part of the beauty industry. I think this is the revolution of the world. Everyone knows about “beauty”, but this sector image with narrow mind approach. Why? we have prepared all these questions as a solution for all beauty artists. This is the effort to take the beauty industry forward to the next level and this portal will serve as a milestone for all beauticians globally. You have to answer and find us because the onus is on all of us to take the beauty industry forward.